Thursday, April 16, 2020

To My Brother

I don't know what is truly going on with you, but I know you're not happy.
I've tried finding a way to get in touch with you by contacting family, but they will only read my messages without replying.

I know that you are hurting, that you think no one will understand. Your pain is something you are trying to hide within the deepest, darkest places of your soul.
Substances will definitely numb the pain, but only for a little while.

People within that life that you have chosen to surround yourself with are not family. I am.

I will ALWAYS be here for you!

I realize that you are being ostracized by others, and while I cannot offer you a place to live, or money(because we really don't have any), I am here to listen.

Please, I am begging you, contact me here on my blog or even on Facebook or Instagram. My phone number is still the same too.

Life is so intense and difficult, you don't need to deal with this alone. I have so many connections that can and will help you, whenever you are ready.

I love you!!