Monday, October 2, 2023

The Stars

One of the many things that I love about living in the country (and yes, the word 'many' doesn't do justice lol), 
is the fact that you can see the stars. Thousands and thousands of them...twinkling, shooting and falling from the sky in a gorgeous display of God's creation.

Because I work the night shift at a dairy farm, I am blessed to be able to see many prairie sunsets and the amazing stars on nearly every clear night. 

One night as I arrived home from work, I stood outside our home and just watched the skies. I regularly use this time to talk to God, my Father, this night was no different...until it was...

The emotions came rushing up, it was as if a tidal wave came from out of the literal blue and I was overcome with tears.

Why was this so intense, you might ask?

Well this night was the first of many nights where I, as a 40 something year old woman, was looking up and enjoying the stars 100% by choice!

This was not a time to escape the stress and violence that I've come to know as life, 
this was not a time where I was seeking release in order to cry out to God in desperation in the season I was in.

This was peace.

I don't know why I've not felt such peace prior to this night. Maybe my heart wasn't there yet, maybe I wasn't truly ready to accept it...until now.

I'm not saying that I've now 'succeeded' and that I've 'made it', because I most certainly have not and am nowhere near ready to say I'm even close. But God has now given me a massive window into what my future holds and I am excited to see what other 'moments' He will be giving me.

Love ya!