Saturday, January 14, 2023

Who Is Allowed To Have A 'Say' In Your Life?

"You need to wear makeup." 

"Don't wear your hair like that, it makes your face look too long." 

"Keep your teeth together, you look grumpy when your jaw is open."

"You had sex before marriage, you can't wear a white wedding dress." 

"You will never keep a job more than a year if you leave this one." 

"You should write in a private journal and not in a blog."

All of the above statements were said directly to me.

For some reason, that last one really ate at me and I have been allowing it to erode my purpose in writing in this blog.

While I do find it to be healing in sharing my thoughts and experiences, my main reason for starting and continuing this blog is to help others who have found or are in the process of finding themselves in similar situations.

Yes, I do write some more personal details and whatnot, but how else are we to reach others if we are hiding our true selves in the process? 
Who else other than myself, is in charge of what I choose to share about my life and innermost feelings and experiences? 

I am going to dig up the Laura that started this blog, to reach inside myself and unchain the grit and determination that I've had for so many years. 
Putting a stop to the intrusive thoughts, ignoring the people who discourage, and not allowing the every day stresses of life to put a stop to my current purpose in life needs to be of utmost importance right now.