Friday, August 21, 2020


I don't blog very often but I know I should. 
I often wonder about those that have sent me emails and messages in the past through here, telling me of their own personal experiences with abuse and how much my story has been an encouragement to them.

I want my blog to be a little different than when I originally started back in 2011.
I want to show you my heart, both the broken parts as well as the healed. 
I feel God is pushing me to begin to reach out again as this is currently the only avenue available for me to be able to serve others and help them walk with Him and survive in this world.

I believe that social media today is all about showing off, or faking it. That you shouldn't show how your life really is, all the good, bad and ugly parts.

While I do agree that there is such a thing as privacy regarding certain matters, is it really a bad thing to allow people to see the tears in your eyes because your teenager lost it on you and you screamed back in anger/frustration? That you as a mom actually make mistakes just like everyone else?

Yep, let me be the first to raise a hand/arm/jump up and down to say that I am guilty of 'hiding' behind social media too. 
All of those flowery, smart sayings with the gorgeous pictures are a dime a dozen. They're so nice and encouraging, aren't they?

But what about every day life?
Is your life encouraging and happy every single moment, or do you ever fall so far that it takes hours or even days to get back up?

Like I said earlier, I want to show more of what my heart is truly feeling and experiencing. Not just the parts that look good on paper or sound good on YouTube. 
Life just sucks sometimes, and I think that people need to see me for me, and not just what the mass media expects from all of us.

There have been a lot of happenings here so hold onto your hats, 'cause this ride is going to be bumpy....I guarantee it!

'Til next time...