Friday, February 3, 2023

February 3, 2023

The responsibilities of a mom.

Man, the weight and pressure of being a mom does NOT get easier with age...and I'm not just referring to my children's growth Ha Ha!

My oldest two kidlets are turning 18 this year and GRADUATING! WHAT?!?!?! 

And so goes the process of dealing with the crazy brain waves of my mommy self. 
Did I do a good job?
Are they going to be good humans in this insane world?
Are they going to make a positive difference in others' lives?

I was thinking all of the above last night as I was working, then had to stop myself.
I had left out one very important question in all of this...

Will they do what GOD'S will is for their life?

There it is. My (and a lot of other parents') reason for raising your children right. 
We raise them in the hopes that they will make a difference by having God's Light shining through them and blessing those around them.

I think that we as moms especially, put a lot of unnecessary pressure on ourselves when the command is simple, really....Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.  *Prov. 22:6

That verse doesn't say that you are guaranteed to see the fruits of your parenting. It doesn't say that you will see your children in service to God during your time on this earth. It says that when your child is old, he will not depart from it.

Philippians 4:6-7

"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

As a mom it is SO easy to slip into that pit of worry and discouragement. I know this first hand. But you and I can totally survive this if we follow after the heart of God. 

I apologize if this post is a bit rambling, but this is just what's been swimming in my mom brain these last several months and I know I'm not the only parent who is struggling with the humaness to worry and be depressed or feel discouraged.

If we as parents do our best with God leading us, then that is all we can and should be doing. 
There does come a point when your child will make mistakes, but you and I have become the people we are today because of the lessons we ourselves had to learn...all by ourselves!

So ALL of that to say,

You got this! Keep your head up! Don't let the devil distract you from your walk with God. Press into the Lord and He will lead and guide you. Be sensitive and teachable in all areas of your life and I promise you, you will never be disappointed!

Be that Godly example your children need to see.

Love ya!

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