Wednesday, February 15, 2023

I Chose This Life

 Several months ago I had the mother of one of my kids' friends offer to 'help with university' as I 'must feel like I've been held back and unable to truly make something of my life due to my horrible past.'. 

She wasn't super impressed by the fact that I work at a dairy farm. Didn't I feel cheated out of making something of my life by not going to university like she was able to? 


I have always loved working with dairy cows, not necessarily always with certain people over my 20+ years in the dairy industry but, I have never regretted my decision to not go to university and pursue a different career.

I love where God has placed me today. I am able to spend time with and homeschool my son Dexter, I am available for any and all medical appointments and school functions for my girls AND I only live 5 minutes from my job! I mean really, why would I complain?!?!?

An added bonus, is that I am able to contribute financially to our household, which is a big thing for me. I have tried being the stay at home mom that I see so many other women achieve (with success, I might add), but that life is just not for me or my least not at this stage of our lives.

I don't feel gipped out of being able to go to University. It's not that I am against it or anything, I've just not had enough of an inkling to go, never mind spend the money on it. It has been and still remains a willful decision on my part.

So ladies, please leave other women alone. Don't attack their career choices or lack thereof. It's one thing if someone is searching for help/assistance in an area, but don't make them feel like they are 'less than' just because they do something that to you is a little on the ordinary side. 

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